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Golden Image Radio
Golden Image radio went live on the internet in December of 2008, the idea behind it was to give local original artists a place to showcase their talent. GIR started off on Pirate Radio and would eventually move onto USTREAM, where we would be able to show you your favorite artists as well as hear them. As GIR progressed there were several shows added to the line up, each with there own DJ’s, The flagship show(The Crazy Shit Shack Show) was on every Wednesday night from 7pm – 9pm and had DJ’s Golden J, Scotty T, The Rocker Chic, Sissy Boi and Billy bob, other shows included “the Young Guns show” with Skyler and Jess, “the Angel of Rock” with Angel, “JT and the big E” with Josh and Ian and “the Tuesday night Takedown” with ADOG and T-Bone. As of May of 2013 all streams have been suspended to revamp and reenergized Golden Image Radio, look for it to return in the future with old shows being streamed and new shows live. Also check out our artist list on Myspace and like us on Facebook.